Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Various and sundry

Xaphan sits listless in my mind. I have figured out who he is. I don't know what I want him to do. Something, Tzeentchy.

One of the gentlemen I work with has some of his short work published. The link is for the digital. I know there is a dead tree version as well. His story is B.

It was ok. But after reading it I realized, more than ever, I need to get off my ass.

That is all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stop it.

Let it go.

It's a tired meme.

Government, contrary to what many would have you believe, is not evil. It is not always good, but it is not, in its current incarnation, evil.

Taxes are not theft. They are the dues you pay for civilization. Civilization is guarded by good, or average, government. I like civilization. I like roads, and the Internet, and emergency services, and medical research. I like the things that have made my life better than 99.9 percent of humanity that has preceded me. So I pay my taxes and want government to continue. I want laws that protect the weak and powerless from the predations and neglects of the strong and powerful.

I just hate feeling like I'm screaming this into the wind.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Xapahn the Faceless

The nerd is strong with this one.

I am a Games Workshop fan. I love playing both of their main IPs, Warhammer and Warhammer 40000. I also enjoy reading the background fiction, especially the WH40K pieces. Black Library is putting some really good works, especially the Horus Heresy novels, collections, and novellas.

Being a fanboy I have dabbled in fanfiction. And since Black Library is essentially a publisher of the best of the fanfiction I would someday like to take a shot at writing for them.

Hence the Squeee!

They are running another open submission period. My project for the next week is to put together a short story submission based on their requirements.

If it fails I can throw it up here and let the heartless savages of the Interwebs ravage it.

That is all.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I am Greg's Wasted Potential

It's Monday. Monday's are for starting things. It's also September 12, 2011. Yesterday was supposed to be a day of reflection and rememberance. Although I find myself of the same opinion as Paul Krugman.

Let's begin.

I turned 30 in February and realized I was pissed about everything. My country, my work, my life. I don't know what to do about the first, other than become another screaming jackass on the internet. Hence the blog. I won't say which way I lean politically. I'm hoping that the seven people who read this will be able to figure it out.

I will put up posts about politics. I hope they are intelligent and thought provoking. Failing that, I hope they anger the people I think should be angry about whatever I am ranting about.

As to the other two, they are roughly the same. I am exactly the title of the blog. I am become fat and intellectually lazy. I am angry about my lot in life. It is time to change things. To that end I have a fitness goal, three professional/intellectual goals, and a crazy dream.

I have been working out consistantly since a week before my birthday. I have lost 20 pounds. I have 50 more to go.

There are studies that indicate it takes ninety days to establish good habits. I have done that at the gym. This blog is an attempt to do so with the three professional goals.

The first is to become a certified network professional. I need to pass a bunch of tests from Microsoft. I had a good start on the studying but have failed to follow through. Time to fix that. A public log may help. I hope. Maybe.

The second is to get serious about my writing. It's time to be professional. I want to supplement my income. I want people to see the twisted wreckage that is my imagination laid out on the page, or computer, or e-reader. To do that I need to actually use the time I have scheduled to write, to write. Ninety days. Habits. I will probably repeat that.

The third is to go back to school. I want a degree in physics. Condensed matter most likely. I think one of the most important things that could happen is the discovery of a room temperature super conductor. Or FTL. That would be cool. Not condensed matter research, however.

I wanted to start school again this past month but couldn't swing the cost. See how goal 1 and 2 feed into goal three. I think a douchbag somewhere called that synergy.

The crazy dream is exactly that. I don't have anything to say execept it involves a bike.

That is all.